Flutter: use SVG as a Button and change color onPressed state
I want to create an icon button from an SVG. The icon, i.e. the SVG hast to change its color, when the button is in pressed state.
What I have is this:
style: (disabled) ? iconButtonStyleDisabled : iconButtonStyle,
onPressed: (!disabled) ? _onPressed : null,
child: SvgPicture.asset(iconPath, ...));
Unfortunately SvgPicture doesn't care about the TextButtons state, so it won't change it's color. Nevertheless, it works like a charm with an Icon() as a child so my styles are working as intended.
I tried FlutterIcon.com, but when uploading my SVGs they get scrapped, so this won't work either. Maybe I can switch the whole SVG-child of the TextButton depending on it's state?
Any ideas?
Here's my iconButtonStyle which works fine with simple TextButtons and Icon as a child:
ButtonStyle get iconButtonStyle => ButtonStyle(
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<BeveledRectangleBorder>(const BeveledRectangleBorder()),
foregroundColor: getColor(defaultColor: green_medium, pressedColor: context.theme.contentPrimary!), // TextColor
iconColor: getColor(defaultColor: green_medium, pressedColor: context.theme.contentPrimary!), // TextColor
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.transparent),
surfaceTintColor: getColor(defaultColor: green_medium, pressedColor: context.theme.contentPrimary!), // TextColor
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.transparent));
MaterialStateProperty<Color> getColor({required Color defaultColor, required Color pressedColor}) {
getColor(Set<MaterialState> states) {
if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
return pressedColor;
return defaultColor;
return MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(getColor);
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