Fit Next/Image component inside div whilst maintaining aspect ratio and border rounding
I've been trying to style a NextJS image with rounded corners whilst also growing to fit it's containing div (Blue on image, difficult to see but there) and maintaining aspect ratio (unknown until runtime). All that is broken with what I currently have, is the image not getting the border-radius
but the box surrounding it does (Black on image). I cannot find a way to get the border radius to work without hard coding the image size, as that must be dynamic. The only other vector to consider is that this is all contained inside another fixed
positioned div (Red on image) that contains the whole popup.
I have tried the below from sugguestions in other threads and it almost works, the only issue I have found is that the image does not recieve the rounded corners due to it's box being larger than the content and thus rounding that box and not the image.
{/* Card that shows on click */}
<div className='fixed z-10 w-full h-full left-0 top-0 invisible bg-black/[.6]' id={'hidden-card-' + title} onClick={hideEnlargement}>
<div className='w-[80%] h-[80%] translate-x-[calc(50vw-50%)] translate-y-[calc(50vh-60%)] rounded-2xl'>
className="rounded-2xl bg-black m-auto"
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