Parsing HTML data with BeautifulSoup - cannot extract the 'href' out in one string

I'm trying to parse out the html to get the - 'href' link; My code is parsing the 'href link' into separate string, but I'm hoping to get a complete string.

Here is my code:

data = requests.get("", 
                    auth = ('user', 'pass'), 
                    headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent})

with open("dogfoodpage/dg2.html","w+") as f:

with open("dogfoodpage/dg2.html") as f:
    page =
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page,"html.parser")
test = soup.find('a',class_= "kib-product-title")

productlink = []

for items in test:
   for link in items.get("href"):

Here is my output:

output of my code

Here is the html structure for test:

html for test


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