Can I install MySQL ODBC Driver 8 on Amazon Linux 2?

I'm running into an issue when connecting to a MySQL database on Amazon Linux 2 using pyodbc and the mysql-connector-odbc driver. As shown below:

pyodbc.OperationalError: ('08004', "[08004] [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.2(w) Driver]Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (2059) (SQLDriverConnect)")

I tried upgrading my Amazon Linux version to 2.0.20230207.0, but got a similar error:

pyodbc.OperationalError: ('08004', "[08004] [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.2(w) Driver]Authentication plugin 'sha256_password' cannot be loaded: /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (2059) (SQLDriverConnect)")

My understanding is this is because the version of MySQL server is using a newer version than what my ODBC driver supports. I would love to upgrade the ODBC driver to validate this is the cause, but it seems that Amazon Linux only supports mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.5 yet the latest version available is 8.0.32. Is there any way to install the newer version of the MySQL ODBC driver manually, or is it just not possible with Amazon Linux 2?

Thanks in advance!


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