HTTP error 403 while using role based authorization

My project is using JDK 8, Spring Boot 2.7.8 (I'm stuck with Java 8). I am successfully using Google OAuth2 for authentication. Users can log into and out of my site. They even have to authenticate to get to a /secure page and that works.

However, when I try to incorporate role and/or authorities, I can only get HTTP 403 errors. I have a database with groups, users, group_members, etc, just like JdbcUserDetailsManager wants, and they're filled with data, as shown below.

Two different users in the database

How can I get this to work? Below are code snippets.

public class SecurityConfig {
  DataSource dataSource;

  public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() throws Exception {
    JdbcUserDetailsManager jdbcUserDetailsManager = new JdbcUserDetailsManager();


    return jdbcUserDetailsManager;

  public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(
    HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


    // For Firefox and h2-console


Below are excerpts from the log file.

2023-02-24 09:36:57.391 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [io-8600-exec-10] s.s.w.c.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter : Cleared SecurityContextHolder to complete request
2023-02-24 09:36:57.391 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-4] s.s.w.c.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter : Cleared SecurityContextHolder to complete request
2023-02-24 09:36:57.452 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] o.s.s.w.FilterChainProxy                 : Securing GET /secure/admin/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_deedf7_1x100.png
2023-02-24 09:36:57.452 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] w.c.HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository : Retrieved SecurityContextImpl [Authentication=OAuth2AuthenticationToken [Principal=Name: [...], Granted Authorities: [[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]], User Attributes: [{at_hash=..., sub=..., email_verified=true, iss=, given_name=..., locale=en, nonce=..., picture=..., aud=[],, name=..., exp=2023-02-24T18:36:54Z, family_name=..., iat=2023-02-24T17:36:54Z, email=...}], Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=WebAuthenticationDetails [RemoteIpAddress=, SessionId=...], Granted Authorities=[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]]]
2023-02-24 09:36:57.452 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] s.s.w.c.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter : Set SecurityContextHolder to SecurityContextImpl [Authentication=OAuth2AuthenticationToken [Principal=Name: [...], Granted Authorities: [[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]], User Attributes: [{at_hash=..., sub=..., email_verified=true, iss=, given_name=..., locale=en, nonce=..., picture=, aud=[],, name=..., exp=2023-02-24T18:36:54Z, family_name=..., iat=2023-02-24T17:36:54Z, email=...}], Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=WebAuthenticationDetails [RemoteIpAddress=, SessionId=...], Granted Authorities=[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]]]
2023-02-24 09:36:57.452 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] o.s.w.s.h.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping        : Mapped to ResourceHttpRequestHandler [classpath [META-INF/resources/], classpath [resources/], classpath [static/], classpath [public/], ServletContext [/]]
2023-02-24 09:36:57.452 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor    : Failed to authorize filter invocation [GET /secure/admin/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_deedf7_1x100.png] with attributes [hasAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN')]
2023-02-24 09:36:57.453 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] o.s.s.w.a.AccessDeniedHandlerImpl        : Forwarding to /access-denied-page with status code 403
2023-02-24 09:36:57.453 DEBUG 36STXT2 --- [nio-8600-exec-5] o.s.w.s.DispatcherServlet                : "FORWARD" dispatch for GET "/google-sec-demo/access-denied-page", parameters={}


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