
Get filtered Networkx MultiDiGraph to behave like a DiGraph

I have a MultiDiGraph with all my data in it, now I want to do some math on a filtered view of it that has only single directed edges between nodes.

>>> filtered_view[0][1]
Out[23]: AtlasView(FilterAtlas({0: {'d': 0.038, 'l': 2, 'showfl': True, 'type': 'pipe', 'q': 0.0001}}, <function FilterMultiInner.__getitem__.<locals>.new_node_ok at 0x7fa0987b55a0>))

I already have a lot of code that was working on a DiGraph, so a lot of it would not work anymore because of the differences in accessing and storing information. So thus my question:

Is there a way to have the view behave like a DiGraph?

Alternatively, I can do: ndg = nx.DiGraph(filtered_view)to get a DiGraph, but is there a smart (simple, clear, error free) way of merging it back into the main graph?

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