Getting a list of objects from mongodb with a filter

I am rather new to c# and MongoDb in particular. I have a method GetAllTickets() that returns a List<Ticket> with all entries of a MongoDb collection called "tickets". I want to be able to only get the entries with a certain filter from the collection in a different method called GetTicketsWithStatus(Status status) (where Status is an enum). How can I do this?

I have tried List<Ticket> tickets = collectionOfTickets.Find(x => x.ticketStatus == status).ToList<Ticket>(); (where collectionOfTickets is an IMongoCollection<Ticket> but that doesnt get any objects in the List. Any help will be appreciated.

P.S.: GetAllTickets() uses List<Ticket> tickets = collectionOfTickets.AsQueryable().ToList<Ticket>(); and it fills in the List properly. It's only when I try to use a filter that everything breaks and the list is not filled in.


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