Are IUnknown AddRef and Release thread safe?

Are IUnknown AddRef and Release interfaces are thread safe (atomic)? I know what they do are incrementing/decrementing reference counts, but I wonder how they do.

Particularly, IUnknown interface that inherits to Direct 3D components such as ID3D12DeviceChild. Version of Direct 3D is 12 if necessary. The reason why I'm mentioning Direct 3D is I've read a statement "DirectX APIs are not "true COM"". So it might differ from "true COM".

The reason why I got confused is due to failure in finding official document or proof that the interfaces are internally using whether Interlocked API or using simple increment/decrement operator.

Reference of simple increment/decrement operator implementation.

ULONG CMyObj::Release()
    if (--m_dwRef == 0)
        delete this;
        return 0;
    return m_dwRef;

References of Interlocked API (1), (2).

ULONG CMyMAPIObject::Release()
    // Decrement the object's internal counter.
    ULONG ulRefCount = InterlockedDecrement(m_cRef);
    if (0 == m_cRef)
        delete this;
    return ulRefCount;

Other related references :

I need to know whether they are thread safe because my project is multithreaded so that how I should treat them. If anyone can help, it will be really appreciated.


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