Shorter way to make colliderect in if statement work?

I have two objects:

enemigo=pygame.transform.scale(enemigo, (100, 100))
enemigo_rectangulo=enemigo.get_rect(center=(1000, 100))

enemigo2=pygame.transform.scale(enemigo2, (140, 140))
enemigo_rectangulo2=enemigo2.get_rect(center=(1400, 50))

And I want to make an if statement if they collide with a third object. This code actually works but is too long:

if personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo) or personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo2):

And there's an error when I try to write:

if personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo, enemigo_rectangulo2):

So, what is wrong? Is there a shorter way to write it?


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