Iterate through column names to get different type of functions summarized by week in r dataframe using dplyr

I am trying to iterate through global health epidemic data on a database which consists of daily cases, cumulative cases, daily deaths, and cumulative deaths (as well as some other covariables which aren't really relevant here). The table is structured as follows: For each country (with country name listed, region, ID) and each date (though not all dates are displayed for all countries*) the daily/cumulative cases/deaths/etc. are listed.

The data looks something like this:

# A tibble: 40 x 7
   iso_code continent location    date       total_cases new_cases week   
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>       <date>           <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>  
 1 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-24           5         5 2020-08
 2 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-25           5         0 2020-08
 3 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-26           5         0 2020-08
 4 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-27           5         0 2020-08
 5 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-28           5         0 2020-08
 6 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-02-29           5         0 2020-08
 7 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-03-01           5         0 2020-09
 8 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-03-02           5         0 2020-09
 9 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-03-03           5         0 2020-09
10 AFG      Asia      Afghanistan 2020-03-04           5         0 2020-09
# ... with 30 more rows

I need to summarize the daily data into weekly data. Of course, this is no problem for one column: using methods described here I should be able to aggregate the data for each week, for each country as follows~

sumByColumn <- function(df, colName) {
# the method for daily (cases/deaths)/(cases/deaths) smoothed
  df %>%
    group_by(location, week) %>%
    summarize(colName = sum(!! sym(colName)))
idByColumn <- function(df, colName) {
# the method for cumulative (cases/deaths)
  df %>%
    group_by(location, week) %>%
    summarize(colName = identity(!! sym(colName)))

(It should be noted that, obviously, daily case/death data will be summarized, whereas cumulative case/death data will be simply the identity function as given. These columns, in the list of column names of df, are denoted as id_cols.)

However, when I try to run the sumByColumn()/idByColumn() loop along the entire dataframe df, I run into this error:

for (col in 1:ncol(df)) {
  colName = colnames(df)[col]
  if (col%in%id_cols) {
    df_weekly = idByColumn(df_weekly,colName)
  } else {
    df_weekly = sumByColumn(df_weekly,colName)

I get:

Error in !sym(colName) : invalid argument type

Note: I have computed the frequency by which the number of times each country appears in the dataframe, which corresponds to the number of days the disease was tracked. Is there a way to account for this, e.g. when I go through the weeks, if there is no data for that week, or an uneven number of countries per week give data, to ignore it and not return NA?



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