How can i get substaction calculation row between multiple dates and display the percentage?
I have the following information using group by and some calculations
I'm trying to calculate the maximum difference value between several dates in this example are 3 dates (2022, 2021, 2020), the oldest date should calculate 0 because won't do substractions.
After detecting the maximun difference between the previous year, it must calculate the percentage:
After doing the query for maximum difference calculation between date rows. The final result should be this:
Demo with 4 dates:
The following query is displaying without percentage:
WITH cte1 AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.date_rehearsal ORDER BY a.date_rehearsal DESC) AS rn
FROM demo a
cte2 AS (
b.col1_val - COALESCE(LEAD(b.col1_val) OVER (PARTITION BY b.rn
ORDER BY b.date_rehearsal DESC), b.col1_val) AS diff
FROM cte1 b)
c.date_rehearsal AS 'Dates',
MAX(c.diff) as 'max_col1_val_difference'
FROM cte2 c
GROUP BY c.date_rehearsal
ORDER BY c.date_rehearsal DESC
Can you please help me this operation to display with percentage?
Thanks in advance.
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