Run job on all existing Jenkins workers

I have a Job in a pipeline that cleans up docker images. It runs the job on each worker individually. This is frustrating because when I add jenkins-cpu-worker3, I'll have to update this job. I'd like to run this job in such a way that it runs on all workers without having to update it each time a new worker is present. I also want the job to be able to run regardless of what I name each worker. It needs to run on all workers no matter what. Is there a way to query jenkins from within the pipeline to get me a list or array of all the workers that exist. I was leafing through documentation and posts online and I have not found a solution that works. If possible I'd like to do this without any additional Jenkins Plugins.

pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {

    stage('Cleanup jenkins-cpu-worker1') {
      agent {
        node {
          label 'jenkins-cpu-worker1'

      steps {
        sh "docker container prune -f"
        sh "docker image prune -f"
        sh '''docker images | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker image rm || true'''
        sh "docker network prune -f"
        sh "docker volume prune -f"

    stage('Cleanup jenkins-cpu-worker2') {
      agent {
        node {
          label 'jenkins-cpu-worker2'

      steps {
        sh "docker container prune -f"
        sh "docker image prune -f"
        sh '''docker images | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker image rm || true'''
        sh "docker network prune -f"
        sh "docker volume prune -f"


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