How to pass argument to onclick callback - yew function component

How do I correctly pass an argument to an onclick event handler in a yew function component?

What I have:

pub fn calulator() -> Html {
    let navigator = use_navigator().unwrap();
    let handle_formula_click = Callback::from(move |_| {
        navigator.push(&AppRoute::Formula { id })

    html! {
                <button onclick={handle_formula_click}>

I would like to pass in a string to the handle_formula_click callback

What I want:

pub fn calulator() -> Html {
    let navigator = use_navigator().unwrap();
    let handle_formula_click = Callback::from(move |id: String| {
        navigator.push(&AppRoute::Formula { id })

    html! {
                <button onclick={handle_formula_click("fixed1"}>


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