FluentValidation ILanguageManager.GetString() not invoked for custom Rules

I have a custom rule like this:

public static IRuleBuilderOptionsConditions<T, string?> MustBeCool<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, string?> ruleBuilder)
    return ruleBuilder.Custom((input, context) =>
        if(/*input is not cools*/)
            context.AddFailure("Not cool.");

I also have a custom implementation of the ILanguageManager which pulls translations for validation messages from a database. My custom LanguageManager works fine for built-in rules. My problem now is that the ILanguageManager.GetString(...) is not getting called for my custom rule. I guessed that this might be because there already is a valiation error message provided so I tried to add the failure like this:

context.AddFailure(new ValidationFailure
    PropertyName = context.PropertyName,
    ErrorCode = "MustBeCoolValidator"
    // no error message provided

That doesn't work either. An empty validation error message is returned. In my case the validation rules and the error message translations don't live in the same town so I can't really provide the translated validation error message where the rule is declared.

Is there a way to invoke the ILanguageManager.GetString() for my custom rule?


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