Interpreting Poisson regression output for interrupted time series with two control groups
I am conducting an interrupted time series with two control groups (provinces) and am looking for changes in intercept and slope at the time of intervention to see if the effect is significant on the mean weekly step count. I am using the dataset AggData which is grouped by Province (1,2,3), Week (1:25), and InterventionPeriod (Week 1-12 = 0, Week 13-25 = 1) summarized by mean weekly step count (steps). Here is the code for AggData and the call for the Poisson function followed with an image of the output:
AggData <- ITSPoissonNew %>% na.omit() %>%
group_by(Province,Week,InterventionPeriod) %>%
dplyr::summarize(steps = round(mean(WeeklySteps),0)) %>%
glm(formula = steps ~ as.factor(Province) + as.factor(InterventionPeriod) +
Week, family = poisson, data = AggData)
I have two problems with my interpretation of the output. First, how can I obtain the intercept and slope changes between provinces? Second, how would I obtain coefficients for the first province? It is not included in the output and I'm wondering if the Intercept Estimate pertains to the first province. Any help is much appreciated!
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