Auto update app desktop python with Pyqt5 and AWS RDS

I want to launch a desktop application to run customer records for my sister at work,

  • We are actually using local storage with sqlite3, but I will switch to AWS RDS sql

The application uses these packages:

from PyQt5 import uic,QtWidgets 

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

import sqlite3, csv

Our biggest problem is the update in the application that for each new functionality needs a new installation,

The packages I want to send in the update can contain .ui files,

I try unsuccessfully to use:

-Updater4pyi -PyUpdater -Esky

Esky seemingly out of phase and do not support some configurations and I believe that the tools doesn't work correctly freezing the app to .exe because de .ui files,

What is the possible solution to this issue?

Thank you in advance

import esky.bdist_esky
from esky.bdist_esky import Executable as Executable_Esky
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
include_files = ['consulta2.ui']
    name = 'cadastro',
    version = '1.0',
    options = {
        'build_exe': {
            'packages': ['sqlite3','csv'],
            'excludes': ['tkinter','tcl','ttk'],
            'include_files': include_files,
            'include_msvcr': True,
        'bdist_esky': {
            'freezer_module': 'cx_freeze',
    data_files = include_files,
    scripts = [
            gui_only = False,
            #icon = XPTO #Coloque um icone aqui se quiser ,
    executables = [Executable('',base='Win32GUI')]

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