Rename specific files depending on a diferent file in same directory

I'm practising some programming and I'm now faced with the following issue. I have a folder with multiple subfolders inside. Each subfolder contains two files: an .xlsx and a .doc file. I want to rename the .xlsx depending on the name of the .doc file. For example, in directory documents\main_folder\folder_1 there are two files: test_file.xlsx and final_file.doc. After running my code, result should be final_file.xlsx and final_file.doc. This must happen with all subfolders.

My code so far:

    require 'FileUtils'

    filename = nil
    files = Dir.glob('**/*.doc')
    files.each do |rename|
    filename = File.basename(rename, File.extname(rename))
    puts "working with file: #{filename}"

    subs = Dir.glob('**/*.xlsx')
    subs.each do |renaming|
    File.rename(renaming, filename)

Two issues with this code: firstly, the .xlsx is moved where the .rb file is located. Secondly, renaming is partially achieved, only that the extension is not kept, but completely removed. Any help?

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