Applying .get() function On a Pandas series

I am working on sample dataset to retrieve location information from address(some details are changed for identification purpose);

temp2=pd.DataFrame({'USER_ID':[1268,12345,4204,4208], 'IP_ADDR':['','','','']})

My goal is to get Lattitude and longitude information using the ip2geotools python package. The syntax is follows;

!pip install ip2geotools
response = DbIpCity.get(a, api_key='free')
json_file = response.to_json()

where a=''. Then we get a JSON file like this;

'{"ip_address": "", "city": "Charlotte", "region": "Prince Edward", "country": "CA", "latitude": 46.2, "longitude": -63.131}'

I am trying to apply the function on an entire pandas series (vectored form) and retrieve latitude and longitude as two different columns. Here is my attempt:

temp2['y'] = temp2['IP_ADDR'].apply(lambda x: DbIpCity.get(x, api_key='free'))

But it seems it doesn't like this syntax, InvalidRequestError: . Can I kindly get some help on how to vectorize this operation and retrieve fields from JSON file. thanks

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