Trouble to MongoDB Single Node Replica Set in Docker Container

I am trying to run MongoDB in a Docker container and apply a Single Node Replica Set in an Oracle Cloud Ubuntu environment without using docker-compose.

When I execute rs.initiate() in mongosh, members are automatically created with the container's ID (/etc/hosts). However, when trying to connect externally using Compass, I get the error message "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND $CONTAINER_ID" and cannot establish a connection.

I have tried changing the host information in rs.initiate() arguments to 'localhost', '', and external IP, but none of them work. I have also tried changing Docker's ports, but the issue persists.

Currently, only port 27017 is open in the cloud, and it functions properly.

I am seeking assistance in identifying the problem.

Just in case, I'm adding my options (nothing special)

In Dockerfile

mongod --bind_ip_all --replSet rs --port 27017

Container Execution

docker run -d \
  -p 27017:27017\
  --name $NAME \
  -v $VOLUME_DIR:/data/db \

Attempted Replica Set with IP or ID expected to connect, but failed. I hope to be connected to the Replica Set(single node, primaey only).


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