Is there a way to conditionally change the background and text color for a cell in Excel/Google Sheets without using many unique conditional rules?
I'm currently creating a spreadsheet for a card collection, and I want the rows to have their background changed based on what element the card is, I also want the text color to change based on its rarity. I've so far changed the background of the row with a conditional formatting rule (=$I2="Element") for each element, but when I add another condition to change the text color based on rarity for the same cells, only one of the two can be applied at once.
Idealy I'd like to have the Element types and Rarities in a table which have an associated background/text color associated with them, and look at that table when I apply the formatting, but I don't know if that's possible, or how to do it if it is. Currently making a rule for every combination would need me to make 40 conditional formatting rules, and wouldn't easily let me change colors/add new elements. I'd rather avoid that if possible. I'm currently using Google Sheets, but I do have access to Excel if this would only be possible there. Thanks!
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