How to change list element from inspector?
I have a ScriptableObject which defines a quest in a game.
Quest contains List, QuestStep is an abstract class
KillStep and ReachDestinationStep inherited from QuestStep
I need a way to add steps in a list and select its type from inspector window.
I've already made UI for this behavior, it should look like this:
1 - KillStep element in a list
2,3 - abstract QuestStep with dropdown & button to select step type and create it in place of selected element
I've got pretty close, but all i can do is to change the whole list and i can't find reference to list element or its index.
Tried objectReferenceValue but it gives an error: type is not a supported pptr value, and managedReferenceValue is null Code sample:
public class QuestStepDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private SerializedProperty currentProperty;
enum QuestStepType
private QuestStepType stepType = QuestStepType.Kill;
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
currentProperty = property;
var container = new VisualElement();
container.Add(new EnumField("Step to create:", stepType));
container.Add(new Button(InitStep));
return container;
private void InitStep()
//here i want something like SetValue(currentProperty.objectReference = new KillStep());
fieldInfo.SetValue(currentProperty.serializedObject.targetObject, new List<QuestStep>(){new KillStep()});
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