How to add data-id to button, Using YouTube API [duplicate]
The javascript I am using here is following YouTube's Api.
What I am trying to do in the code is add the data-id
This: data-id="-Xgi_way56U"
to the button.
<button class="playa1 cover" type="button" data-container="play1"></button>
Which would then become this:
<button class="playa3 cover" type="button" data-container="play1" data-id="-Xgi_way56U"></button>
Currently, I have 2 containers: Placing the data-id on the button will allow me to remove 1 container from the html.
Am I right?
How the code works is, after clicking a button a video will appear on the screen, click the X the buttons return to the screen where you can click on the 2nd button and a video will appear on the screen.
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
players.add(".playa1", {});
players.add(".playa2", {});
<div class="container play1 with-curtain">
<div class="inner-container curtain ">
<div class="ratio-keeper">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="video video-frame" data-id="-Xgi_way56U"></div>
<button class="exit" type="button" title="Exit" aria-label="Close"></button>
<div class="container play2 with-curtain">
<div class="inner-container curtain">
<div class="ratio-keeper">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="video video-frame" data-id="0dgNc5S8cLI"></div>
<button class="exit" type="button" title="Exit" aria-label="Close"></button>
<div class="playButtonContainer with-curtain">
<button class="playa1 cover" type="button" data-container="play1"></button>
<button class="playa2 cover" type="button" data-container="play2"></button>
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