Trying to display different colors through bash script

I'm new to scripting and have decided to learn with this homework that I gave myself.
The goal of this script is simply:

  • display available colors in color
  • pick a number to copy the hex color value of a colorscheme.

All the colors are displaying correctly except Black0~3 and Gray0.
Those 5 choices display in cyan and green instead. (please check screenshot)
Tried googling but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
(I don't know if this info will be any helpful but OS: Linux, Terminal Emualtor: ST, Shell: zsh)


# grab hex code
function fromhex() {
  if [[ $hex == "#"* ]]; then
    hex=$(echo $1 | awk '{print substr($0,2)}')
  r=$(printf '0x%0.2s' "$hex")
  g=$(printf '0x%0.2s' ${hex#??})
  b=$(printf '0x%0.2s' ${hex#????})
  echo -e `printf "%03d" "$(((r<75?0:(r-35)/40)*6*6+(g<75?0:(g-35)/40)*6+(b<75?0:(b-35)/40)+16))"`


# color values
Flamingo=$(fromhex "#F2CDCD")
Mauve=$(fromhex "#DDB6F2")
Pink=$(fromhex "#F5C2E7")
Maroon=$(fromhex "#E8A2AF")
Red=$(fromhex "#F28FAD")
Peach=$(fromhex "#F8BD96")
Yellow=$(fromhex "#FAE3B0")
Green=$(fromhex "#ABE9B3")
Teal=$(fromhex "#B5E8E0")
Blue=$(fromhex "#96CDFB")
Sky=$(fromhex "#89DCEB")
Black0=$(fromhex "#161320")
Black1=$(fromhex "#1A1826")
Black2=$(fromhex "#1E1E2E")
Black3=$(fromhex "#302D41")
Black4=$(fromhex "#575268")
Gray0=$(fromhex "#6E6C7E")
Gray1=$(fromhex "#988BA2")
Gray2=$(fromhex "#C3BAC6")
White=$(fromhex "#D9E0EE")
Lavender=$(fromhex "#C9CBFF")
Rosewater=$(fromhex "#F5E0DC")


# display, select, copy hex color codes
echo -e "\nCatppuccin color selector"
echo "[01] $(tput setaf $Flamingo)Flamingo #F2CDCD$(tput sgr0)     [12] $(tput setaf $Black0)Black0 #161320$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[02] $(tput setaf $Mauve)Mauve #DDB6F2 $(tput sgr0)       [13] $(tput setaf $Black1)Black1 #1A1826$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[03] $(tput setaf $Pink)Pink #F5C2E7$(tput sgr0)         [14] $(tput setaf $Black2)Black2 #1E1E2E$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[04] $(tput setaf $Maroon)Maroon #E8A2AF$(tput sgr0)       [15] $(tput setaf $Black3)Black3 #302D41$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[05] $(tput setaf $Red)Red #F28FAD $(tput sgr0)         [16] $(tput setaf $Black4)Black4 #575268$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[06] $(tput setaf $Peach)Peach #F8BD96$(tput sgr0)        [17] $(tput setaf $Gray0)Gray0 #6E6C7E$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[07] $(tput setaf $Yellow)Yellow #FAE3B0 $(tput sgr0)      [18] $(tput setaf $Gray1)Gray1 #988BA2$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[08] $(tput setaf $Green)Green #ABE9B3$(tput sgr0)        [019 $(tput setaf $Gray2)Gray2 #C3BAC6$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[09] $(tput setaf $Teal)Teal #B5E8E0$(tput sgr0)         [20] $(tput setaf $White)White #D9E0EE$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[10] $(tput setaf $Blue)Blue #96CDFB$(tput sgr0)         [21] $(tput setaf $Lavender)Lavender #C9CBFF$(tput sgr0)"
echo "[11] $(tput setaf $Sky)Sky #89DCEB$(tput sgr0)          [22] $(tput setaf $Rosewater)Rosewater #F5E0DC$(tput sgr0)"
read -p "Pick number to copy hex code to clipboard [1~22]: " sel
  if [ $sel = 1 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Flamingo)Flamingo$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#F2CDCD" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 2 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Mauve)Mauve$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#DDB6F2" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 3 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Pink)Pink$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#F5C2E7" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 4 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Maroon)Maroon$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#E8A2AF" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 5 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Red)Red$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#F28FAD" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 6 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Peach)Peach$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#F8BD96" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 7 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Yellow)Yellow$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#FAE3B0" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 8 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Green)Green$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#ABE9B3" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 9 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Teal)Teal$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#B5E8E0" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 10 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Blue)Blue$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#96CDFB" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 11 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Sky)Sky$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#89DCEB" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 12 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Black0)Black 0$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#161320" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 13 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Black1)Black 1$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#1A1826" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 14 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Black2)Black 2$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#1E1E2E" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 15 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Black3)Black 3$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#302D41" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 16 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Black4)Black 4$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#575268" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 17 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Gray0)Gray 0$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#6E6C7E" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 18 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Gray1)Gray 1$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#988BA2" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 19 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Gray2)Gray 2$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#C3BAC6" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 20 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $White)White$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#D9E0EE" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 21 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Lavender)Lavender$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#C9CBFF" | xclip -sel clip
  elif [ $sel = 22 ] ; then
    echo "Copied $(tput setaf $Rosewater)Rosewater$(tput sgr0) to clipboard"
    echo "#F5E0DC" | xclip -sel clip
    echo "invalid choice"

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like screenshot


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