How write a CSV in R that is correctly read by Google Spreadsheets


I am trying to write a dataframe to a CSV-file that will be read-in correctly by Google Spreadsheets however I am running into an error with a particular column format.

There is one column called 'details' that has values that look like this {\"campaign_id\":1,\"line_item_id\":1234}. This column format is correctly read by R from an original dataframe supplied from Google Spreadsheets but when written into a CSV, the column is separated along the , into two columns pushing overwriting the values of the following column (which is empty by default).


The dataframe in R looks like this:

data <- structure(
    `Line Item Id` = c(1234, 4567),
    Details = c(
    `Bid Strategy Type` = c("",""),
    `TrueView Video Ad Formats` = c("In-stream / Video Discovery",
                                    "In-stream / Video Discovery"),
    `TrueView Bid Strategy Type` = c("Manual CPV",
                                     "Manual CPV")
  row.names = 1:2,
  class = "data.frame"

Current approach

I have tried writing the relevant column in a quote:


data %>%
  mutate(Details = dQuote(Details,q = )) %>%
  write.csv("test.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-8",na = "",row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE)

But this does not seem to work and neither does omitting the dQuote.

My output csv is this:

test.csv generated by above code

More Details

The data being wrangled here is an SDF generated by DV360 a Google platform to manage YouTube ad campaigns. In my process I download an SDF from DV360 change some values in R and upload it back. However re-uploading does not work at the moment due to the described problem. I have tested it to confirm that the column problem described above is causing the issue and if manually corrected uploading works.

Expected output

I have added the expected output and the output I am getting.

What I have at the moment:

Line Item Id,Details,TrueView Video Ad Formats,TrueView Bid Strategy Type
14596716402,“{"campaign_id":283,"line_item_id":99588}”,In-stream / Video Discovery,
14596725552,“{"campaign_id":283,"line_item_id":99585}”,In-stream / Video Discovery,

What I need:

Line Item Id,Details,TrueView Video Ad Formats,TrueView Bid Strategy Type
1234,"{""campaign_id"":1,""line_item_id"":1234}",,In-stream / Video Discovery
4567,"{""campaign_id"":1,""line_item_id"":4567}",,In-stream / Video Discovery

And quite interestingly, what I get when I fiex the problem by hand in googlesheets and then download the file:

Line Item Id,Details,TrueView Video Ad Formats,TrueView Bid Strategy Type
1234,"""{""""campaign_id"""":1,""""line_item_id"""":1234}""",,In-stream / Video Discovery
4567,"""{""""campaign_id"""":1,""""line_item_id"""":4567}""",,In-stream / Video Discovery

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