convert sql query into nosql query for firestore database

I have the following two SQL queries and I'd like to know how make it work them into NoSQL databases. I am not so good in NoSQL queries. Could you please help me with it?

Here are my queries:

First SQL query

    const myAge = 20 ;
    const weight : 60;
    const ourPoints = 1000;
    SELECT a.* from  myTable a , users u
     WHERE a.userID =
     AND a.age >= myAge OR age < 49
     AND a.weight <= weight
     AND ourPoints - u.points  =< 500
     AND u.married IS NOT EGUAL TO 0

and here is the schema of my firebase collections:

myTable : {
        id : 2,
        userID : 78,
        age : 78,
        weight : 64,
        id : 3,
        userID : 18,
        age : 18,
        weight : 48,
users : {
       id : 1,
      name : 'david',
      married : 1
      points : 100
      id : 2,
      name : 'alex',
      married : 0,
      points : 290

Second SQL query

    SELECT  a.* FROM  table1 a , table2 x WHERE a.uID = GROUP BY myDay

and the schema of my collections :

table1 : {
    { id : 89,
        timestamps : 12799035,
        uID : 10,
        myDay : 111111,
        id : 90,
        timestamps : 61782990,
        uID : 13,
        myDay : 111111, 
        id : 90,
        timestamps : 61782990,
        uID : 13,
        myDay : 111111, 
        id : 90,
        timestamps : 61782990,
        uID : 13,
        myDay : 22222222, 

thanks a lot

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