How do you access Twitter API Endpoints using flutter's built in Twitter API SDK?

I have an error in my program - It keeps showing XML-HTTP-REQUEST error when i try to show the data output from the twitter version 1.1 endpoint onto a flutter app using a Text widget that is a child of a container widget.

Could anybody give me some tips as to how I could access the Twitter dev. api in an easier way & or tell me how to resolve the aforementioned error?

The SDK I am using to access the Twitter Dev. Endpoint is the twitter_api listed on the developer website as one of the official SDKs for Flutter.

(P.S. Removed API and Token keys, they were there in my program earlier.)

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart';
import 'package:twitter_api/twitter_api.dart';

final _twitterOauth = new twitterApi(
    consumerKey: 'myconsumerkey was here',
    consumerSecret: 'my consumer secret key was here',
    token: 'my bearer token was here',
    tokenSecret: 'my secret bearer token was here',

Future twitterRequest = _twitterOauth.getTwitterRequest(

  options: {
    "user_id": "19025957",
    "screen_name": "TTCnotices",
    "count": "20",
    "trim_user": "true",
    "tweet_mode": "extended", 

class Myapp extends StatelessWidget{
  var res = await twitterRequest;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Text(res),

void main() {


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