sqldf only returning one row, same query used in SQL
For some reason I'm only returning one row when it comes to R while at SQL Server, I'm returning the correct number of rows. SQLDF:
CustomerCodingChangesT <- sqldf("
SELECT c.CustID as ID, c.ReverseSupplier as Supplier, c.ReverseCustomerCode as Code, c.Name, c.Address, c.[From PostCode], c.[From Outlet], c.[From OutletName],
o.FullAddress AS [From Address],
c.[To PostCode], c.[To Outlet], c.[To OutletName],
o1.FullAddress AS [To Address],
Max(Cast( c.TotalUnits as varchar)) as [Total Units], '$'+Max(cast(c.TotalValue as varchar)) as [Total Value], '' AS Checked, c.CustRecActive as Active
FROM CustomerCorrectionSummaryT AS c
LEFT JOIN OutletMasterT AS o ON c.[From PostCode] = o.Postcode AND c.[From Outlet] = o.Outlet
LEFT JOIN OutletMasterT AS o1 ON c.[To PostCode] = o1.Postcode AND c.[To Outlet] = o1.Outlet
ORDER BY c.totalvalue DESC;")
if object_id ('tempdb..#CustomerCodingChanges') is not null drop table #CustomerCodingChanges
SELECT c.CustID as ID, c.ReverseSupplier as Supplier, c.ReverseCustomerCode as Code, c.Name, c.Address, c.[From Postcode], c.[From Outlet], c.[From OutletName],
o.FullAddress AS [From Address], c.[To Postcode], c.[To Outlet], c.[To OutletName],
o1.FullAddress AS [To Address], cast(c.TotalUnits as varchar(max)) as [Total Units], '$'+cast(c.TotalValue as varchar(max)) as [Total Value], '' AS Checked, c.CustRecActive as Active
INTO #CustomerCodingChanges
FROM #CustomerCorrectionSummary AS c
LEFT JOIN ndf_061.IRGMaster.dbo.OutletMaster AS o ON c.[From Postcode] = o.postcode AND c.[From Outlet] = o.outlet
LEFT JOIN ndf_061.IRGMaster.dbo.OutletMaster AS o1 ON c.[To Postcode] = o1.postcode AND c.[To Outlet] = o1.outlet
ORDER BY c.totalvalue DESC;
Both dataframes for CustomerCorrectionSummaryT and OutletMasterT have the same number of results in R and in SQL so i dont know why it won't also show the same number of result in R versus in SQL. In SQL in returning 22 rows while in R i'm only getting one row which both are correct. R's sqldf just doesn't show all of it. Im thinking it has something to do with my left join function but i don't really know. Lemme know if you need more information!
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