Implicit conversion on type alias does not seem to work ont his code

    trait TriIndexable[M[_,_,_,_]] {
  def get[A,B,C,D](m: M[A,B,C,D])(a: A, b: B, c: C): Unit
implicit object TriMapTriIndexable extends TriIndexable[TriMap] {
  def get[A,B,C,D](m: TriMap[A,B,C,D])(a: A, b: B, c: C): Unit = {
    println("Tri indexable get")
type TriIntMap[D] = TriMap[Int,Int,Int,D]
trait TupleIntIndexable[M[_]] {
  def get[D](m: M[D])(a: (Int, Int, Int)): Unit
implicit object TriIntMapTupleIntIndexable extends TupleIntIndexable[TriIntMap] {
    def get[D](m: TriIntMap[D])(a: (Int, Int, Int)): Unit = {
    println("Tri Int indexable get")
class TriMap[A,B,C,D]() {
implicit class TriIndexableOps[A,B,C,D,M[_,_,_,_]](
      val tri: M[A,B,C,D]
)(implicit ev: TriIndexable[M]) {
    def get(a: A, b: B, c: C) = {
implicit class TupleIntIndexableOps[D,M[_]](
      val tri: M[D]
)(implicit ev: TupleIntIndexable[M]) {
    def get(a: (Int,Int,Int)) = {
val test: TriIntMap[String] = new TriMap[Int,Int,Int,String]()

Why does this error on the last line? I'm trying to give a subset of TriMaps the ability to index with another object, in this case it's a tuple of three ints. How can I fix this?

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