Miniconda3 environment.yml ERROR: "Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages."

I downloaded Miniconda and was sent an environment.yml file. I first type in Conda deactivate to get out of the base environment and then do Conda env create and Conda activate name (the name of the environment.yml) but I keep getting the following error, which continues on for several lines until the last line shown below. Not sure what's wrong. I've tried changing the python version to 3.7.7 but that doesn't do anything.

(base) svaldez-29356s:~ svaldez$ conda info --envs
# conda environments:
base                  *  /Users/svaldez/miniconda3

(base) svaldez-29356s:~ svaldez$ conda deactivate
svaldez-29356s:~ svaldez$ conda env create
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: \ 
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes.  Press CTRL-C to abort.


Package ipywidgets conflicts for:
jupyter==1.0.0=py38_7 -> ipywidgets

Package gettext conflicts for:
glib==2.63.1=h70d4741_1 -> gettext
dbus==1.13.14=h517e14e_0 -> glib[version='>=2.63.1,<3.0a0'] -> gettext[version='>=,<1.0a0|>=0.21.0,<1.0a0']

Package matplotlib conflicts for:
seaborn==0.10.1=py_0 -> matplotlib[version='>=2.1.2']

Package pyqt conflicts for:
jupyter==1.0.0=py38_7 -> qtconsole -> pyqt[version='>=5.9.2,<5.10.0a0']
qtconsole==4.7.4=py_0 -> pyqt

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