Property 'value' does not exist on type 'FilterMetadata' on primeng table

I am migrating a module from primeng 7 to primeng11 along with angular11 the code runs perfectly fine on ng serve the functionalities are working too but on build I am getting a weird error

 error TS2339: Property 'value' does not exist on type 'FilterMetadata | FilterMetadata[]'.
  Property 'value' does not exist on type 'FilterMetadata'.

the error is for the below code

<input *ngIf='!col.noFilter' [style.width]="'98%'" [style.height]="'25px'" pInputText type="text"
                        [placeholder]="col.filterPlaceHolder ? col.filterPlaceHolder : ''" 
                        (input)="dt.filter($, col.field, col.filterMatchMode)" 
                        [value]="dt.filters[col.field]?.value" />

I have verified the primeng FilterMetaData interface and it has the property value like below

export interface FilterMetadata {
    value?: any;
    matchMode?: string;
    operator?: string;

the code syntax is fine i have veriified the same on primeng page docuemntation

Please kindly help not sure why ng serve has no ssues but build is failing. My node version is node v10.23.0

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