PostgreSQL LEFT JOIN with all associated right-side items returned in an array
I have a table tbl_a
id | name
1 | item1
2 | item2
3 | item3
I also have a table tbl_aprops
which stores properties prop
associated with items a
from tbl_a
a_id | prop
1 | xx
1 | yy
2 | xx
2 | zz
3 | yy
I wish to perform a LEFT JOIN
where all the information from the left table tbl_a
is returned along with the associated properties prop
from table_aprops
in an array in a new column called props
. I wish to filter out items not associated with property yy
while still returning all associated properties prop
from tbl_aprops
id | name | props
1 | item1 | {'xx','yy'}
3 | item3 | {'yy'}
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