AG-Grid agNumberColumnFilter is not working with calculated values in valueFormatter

I have an ag-grid in angular project. I have set the column def as:

  headerName: col,
  field: col,
  valueFormatter: setMyValue,
  filter: 'agNumberColumnFilter',
  filterParams: { valueFormatter: setMyValue }

function setMyValue (params) {
  return params.value.toFixed(2); // OPTION #1 WORKS 
  //let temp = params.value * 100;
  //return temp.toFixed(2); // OPTION #2 DOES NOT WORKS 

OPTION #1: this logic works in the ag-grid and i am able to correcly filter using equal, great then etc. OPTION #2: this logic does not work, when i enter any number in filter, it returns empty rows.

What I have tried:

I have tried to bind the function to component:

valueFormatter: setMyValue.bind(this)

and I also tried to force the return value to number as :

return parsInt(temp.toFixed(2));

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