MongoDB find km radius

I have a collection named User and Shop

Collection User

id: 1
name: "Jack"
address: "San Jose, CA"
location: Object
    type: "Point"
    coordinates: [ 11.1111, 11.1111 ] // sample coordinates
hobby: "Tennis"

id: 2
name: "Robert"
address: "San Francisco, CA"
location: Object
    type: "Point"
    coordinates: [ 22.2222, 22.2222 ] // sample coordinates
hobby: "Swimming"

Collection Shop

id: 1
name: "Jollibee"
address: "Los Angeles, CA"
location: Object
    type: "Point"
    coordinates: [ 22.3333, 33.3333 ] // sample coordinates

id: 2
name: "MCDO"
address: "Sacramento, CA"
location: Object
    type: "Point"
    coordinates: [ 22.3333, 33.3333 ] // sample coordinates

id: 3
name: "Burger King"
address: "San Diego, CA"
location: Object
    type: "Point"
    coordinates: [ 33.3333, 22.3333 ] // sample coordinates

I want to query when the user open the app. He/She will only see the shop within 10km radius.

Example. Jack will only see Jollibee and MCDO in his 10km radius. Robert will only see Burger King in his 10km radius.

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