Getting an index out of bounds error, Code reads in name and grades from file and outputs file with name and averages Java

I wrote this code to take an input file:

The data has a name followed by their 3 test grades
"sally,smith" 50.6 26.7 90.3
"jane,Jones" 88.8 89.3 92.3
"bob,Frank" 67.3 70.5 80.3
"JOE,RETT" 100.0 0.0 75.5
"moe,MiLLer" 95.2 98.4 90.2
"anne,Abrams" 15.6 90.23 87.5

and return an output file in the form:

Student, Test Average

My code is below and im getting an index out of bounds error. Can someone explain why im getting this error? Thanks!

import java.util.*;
public class Q4

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

    Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("Q4.txt")); 
    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new File("Output.txt"));

  double sum;
  double average;
  String parsed_name= "", first_name , last_name;
  String[] splitted_string = new String[100];
  String[] name = new String[100];
  output.print("Student"+","+"Test Average\n");
    while (in.hasNextLine()){
    String line = in.nextLine();
    parsed_name = "";
    //split the line based on space
    splitted_string = line.split(" ");
    first_name = name[0];
    last_name = name[1];
    parsed_name = parsed_name+Character.toString(Character.toUpperCase(first_name.charAt(0)));
    last_name = last_name.toLowerCase();
    last_name = last_name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + last_name.substring(1);
    sum = sum + Double.parseDouble(splitted_string[1]);
    sum = sum + Double.parseDouble(splitted_string[2]);
    sum = sum + Double.parseDouble(splitted_string[3]);
    average = sum / 3;
    //writing all the values to output file
    output.print(parsed_name + "." +l ast_name+",");
    output.printf("%.2f%n" + average);
  //closing the files

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