Iterating over dictionary with lists values

I have a dictionary and in one it's key/value, this value is a list. I'm trying to iterate over this dict to remove special characters (this is part is ok), but when I get this value (which is a list) I don't know how to do.

This is my dict:

  "id_pessoa_ies": "3",
  "cpf": "string",
  "nome": "TESTE COM Ç E ESPACO E É",
  "nome_social": "string",
  "sexo": "string",
  "data_nascimento": "26-11-2020",
  "cor_raca": "Preta",
  "estado_civil": "Test word here",
  "municipio_naturalidade": "Test again",
  "uf_naturalidade": "TEST",
  "pais_nascimento": "string",
  "docente_pessoa": [
      "id_docente_ies": "string",
      "matricula": "123456789",
      "titulacao": "TEST",
      "ano_ingresso": "2020",
      "tipo_contrato": "string",
      "tipo_vinculo": "TESTE COM Ç E ESPACO E É ARROBA @ #",
      "id_unidade_lotacao": "1",
      "situacao": "ACTIVATE"

This is what I did so far:

for key, value in mydict.items():
       if key == 'docente_pessoa':
           # what should I do here to iterate over 'docente_pessoa' to get it's values and
           # apply my function 'text_to_it()' on it?
           text = text_to_id(value)
           mydict.items[key] = text

I appreciate any help.

Thank you

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