Vault wrapping token - number of usage
We are facing issue with fetching secrets from Hashicorp Vaullt. Client is actually using role_id and secret_id to auth in Vault. We also use wrapping function for secret_id, so once secret_id is fetched from Vault, it's wrapped and has to be unwrapped to get real secret_id. Now problem is that wrapping token obtained from Vault has number of usage 1. Meaning that secret_id can be unwrapped only once. When we try 2nd time to unwrap, it is failing. And reason is number of usace for such generated token which is 1 by default.
Key Value
--- -----
accessor LctZYfQyzJVleDb41l7mACu5
creation_time 1603924396
creation_ttl 240h
display_name n/a
entity_id n/a
expire_time 2020-11-07T22:33:16.378745728Z
explicit_max_ttl 240h
id s.ajjvwjfjtTedj7xaeGW1B1WL
issue_time 2020-10-28T22:33:16.378758503Z
meta <nil>
num_uses 1
orphan true
path auth/approle/role/img/secret-id
policies [response-wrapping]
renewable false
ttl 239h58m30s
type service
This is making a lot of issues for us. Is there a way to increase, or set as unlimited number od wrap token usage?
Thank you!
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