Trouble understanding Functions in C
I am working through a programming assignment. I had the key validation working within main but decided to try to make it a separate function. I do not understand functions very well yet so I am unable to see where I am going wrong. Whenever I run the program, I always just get "Key is Valid" even when I know it's not. As I said, the program was running fine in main.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int validate (int c, string v[]); //prototpe validate function
int main (int argc, string argv[])
int validate (int argc, string argv[]); //run validate for argc and argv
printf("Key is valid\n"); //if valid, print message
int validate (int c, string v[])
//Validate that only one Command Line Argument was entered
if (c != 2) //Check the number if entered commands at execution
//If more than one, print error message
printf("Key must be the only Command Line Argument\n");
return 1; //Return false
//Validate that Key length is 26 characters
if (strlen(v[1]) != 26) //Don't forget null 0
printf("Key must contain exactly 26 characters\n");
return 1; //Return false
//Validate that all Key characters are alphabetic
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(v[1]); i < n; i++)
//Check each element of the array
if (isalpha(v[1][i]))
continue; //Continue if alphabetic
//if non-alphabetic, print error code
printf("Key must contain only alphabetic characters\n");
return 1; //Return false
//Validate that each Key character is unique
for (int x = 0, z = strlen(v[1]) - 1; x < z; x++)
//Create a second loop to compare every element to the first before incrementing the first
for (int y = x + 1; y < z; y++)
//Cast array elements to int, check if each element equals next element in array
if (v[1][x] == v[1][y])
printf("Key must contain exactly 26 unique characters\n");
return 1;
return 0; //Key is valid, so return true
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