Change component html template for each unit test in Angular

Is there a way to change the component html template for each test?

I created a component in my unit test and I want the component's html template to be different in other test.

I tried to use TestBed.overrideComponent (As shown in the code) but I got the error:

"Cannot override component metadata when the test module has already been instantiated."

    template: `<div> <span *directive="let letter from ['x','y','z']"> </span> </div>`

class TestComponent {
    isEnabled: any;

describe('Directive', () => {

    let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
    let element: DebugElement;
    let component: TestComponent;

    beforeEach(() => {
            declarations: [TestComponent, Directive],

    it('should do something with the initial component template', () =>{ ... });

    it('should do something with another template', () => {
        fixture = TestBed.overrideComponent(TestComponent, {
            set: {
                template: `<div> <span *directive="let letter from ['a','b','c'] enabled:isEnabled "> </span> </div>`
        component = fixture.componentInstance;
        component.isEnabled = true;


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