IBM sterling commerce tutorial
What is a hub?
Ware house to Distribution Center.
Warehouse to another warehouse
Distribution center to store.
Quote is used to provide to quote to the sales opportunity.
- Hub is the center of the organization. there can be only one hub for the entire business.
What is an enterprise?
- Enterprise are modeled as high as possible in organization structure. They define business rules, they control the business rules. Enterprise has highest priority ,follow different business rules, then they are configured as a separate Enterprise. Enterprises can inherit the default configuration from hub.
What are document types?
- Document type is used to carry the business rules throughout the workflow. An administrator can create a new document Type.
Status inventory Types
Modification Types
Modification rules
Transaction pick up status
Transaction drop status
What are the type of Order present in Sterling OMS?
- Sales Order
- Planned Order
- Return Order
- Template Order
- Purchase Order
- Transfer Order?
Ware house to Distribution Center.
Warehouse to another warehouse
Distribution center to store.
- master order and Quote
Quote is used to provide to quote to the sales opportunity.
- work Order?
What is pipeline?
- A pipeline consists of statuses, conditions, transactions,events and actions. a document that goes through during fulfillment.
What are action and events?
- An action is a process or a program that is triggered by an event.
- Event occurs when an action is triggered.
What are User Exits?
- User exits are java interfaces that can be implemented to create custom logic components executes custom logic at run time.
What is Hold?
- Holding an Order until admin team not release. Specially for fraud order.
What Database Extension?
- If you are changing in the database table. Database extension detect and change all the places where it is using that table.
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