What is the best way to create user config at first user login?
In my quarkus application, I want to have some data inserted in my database for each user.
Database uses neo4j. As a consequence, I would like to have some code in my application which creates the various datas and send them in database.
Currently, I use the RolesAugmentor
, as described in Security Tips and Tricks. Unfortunatly, as it is invoked for each request, we have multiple nodes generated for each new user. How can I have data inserted only once for each user ?
EDIT 1 More clearly, I have a RolesAugmentor class containing the following code
public class RolesAugmentor implements SecurityIdentityAugmentor {
public Uni<SecurityIdentity> augment(SecurityIdentity identity, AuthenticationRequestContext context) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(build(identity));
// Do 'return context.runBlocking(build(identity));'
// if a blocking call is required to customize the identity
private Supplier<SecurityIdentity> build(SecurityIdentity identity) {
if (identity.isAnonymous()) {
return () -> identity;
} else {
// create a new builder and copy principal, attributes, credentials and roles
// from the original identity
QuarkusSecurityIdentity.Builder builder = QuarkusSecurityIdentity.builder(identity);
JWTCallerPrincipal caller = (JWTCallerPrincipal) identity.getPrincipal();
String email = caller.getClaim("email");
if (!isUserAlreadyInDB(email)) {
synchronized(RolesAugmentor.class) {
if (!isUserAlreadyInDB(email)) {
String name = caller.getClaim("given_name");
String famillyName = caller.getClaim("family_name");
addUserToDB(email, name, famillyName);
// add custom role source here
return builder::build;
And I'm 99% sure it's not the good place to add user creation code. Am I right? What is the correct way?
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