How to validate an array of hex colors is correct and discard the wrong ones?

Currently, I only check if it's not null or undefined and I want to make sure that each hex color is correct otherwise discard the wrong hex and move to the next. If the format is completely wrong then just reset to an empty array. Any idea how I can do this type of validation?

Correct example of colors array(only 6 digit starting with # are valid): ["#0283fb","#35363a","#f6383a","#9129c8","#38bdf8","#ded8d8"]

Incorrect example of colors array(basically any non-hex color code or non-6 digit hex color): ["#028s3fb","#325363a","#f64383a","9129c8","#13/12sc","#ded8d8"]

If the localStorage string format is wrong or if the loop that checks each hex color fails then reset to [].

const colorsArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("colorsArray") ?? "[]");


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