Hibernate JPA @PostLoad Example


The @PostLoad annotation is used to specify a callback method that fires after an entity is loaded.

PostLoad Specifies a callback method for the corresponding lifecycle event. This annotation may be applied to methods of an entity class, a mapped superclass, or a callback listener class.

Example of specifying JPA callbacks

@EntityListeners( LastUpdateListener.class )
public static class Person {

private Long id;

private String name;

private Date dateOfBirth;

private long age;

private Date lastUpdate;

public void setLastUpdate(Date lastUpdate) {
this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;

* Set the transient property at load time based on a calculation.
* Note that a native Hibernate formula mapping is better for this purpose.
public void calculateAge() {
age = ChronoUnit.YEARS.between( LocalDateTime.ofInstant(
Instant.ofEpochMilli( dateOfBirth.getTime()), ZoneOffset.UTC),

public static class LastUpdateListener {

public void setLastUpdate( Person p ) {
p.setLastUpdate( new Date() );


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