Angular 10 Preview released | what's new in Angular 10?

Angular 10 released it's Preview Angular 10.0.0-next.2. In Angular 9 main focus is to use the Ivy compiler and runtime by default and TypeScript 3.7 version upgradation.

In the Upcoming version 10, the main focus is on Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements.

List of component/package/module Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements included in Angular 10:

locales/global/*.js are not ES5 compliant
let KeyValuePipe accept type unions with null

handle type references to namespaced symbols correctly
avoid undefined expressions in holey array
record correct end of expression

undecorated-classes-with-decorated-fields migration should avoid error if base class has no value declaration
ngOnDestroy on multi providers called with incorrect context
avoid migration error when non-existent symbol is imported
workaround Terser inlining bug

correctly detect external files from nested node_modules/
display output from the unlocker process on Windows
do not spawn unlocker processes on cluster workers
only load if it is needed
read dependencies from entry-point manifest
reduce the size of the entry-point manifest file

pass correct component to canDeactivate checks when using two or more sibling router-outlets

New Features added in Angular 10

add dependency info and ng-content selectors to metadata
Propagate value span of ExpressionBinding to ParsedProperty

undecorated-classes migration should handle derived abstract classes

support timeout in registerWhenStable SW registration strategy


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