Spring Simple Cache


If none of the other providers can be found, a simple implementation using a ConcurrentHashMap as
the cache store is configured. This is the default if no caching library is present in your application.
By default, caches are created as needed, but you can restrict the list of available caches by setting
the cache-names property. For instance, if you want only cache1 and cache2 caches, set the cachenames
property as follows:

If you do so and your application uses a cache not listed, then it fails at runtime when the cache is
needed, but not on startup. This is similar to the way the "real" cache providers behave if you use
an undeclared cache.
When @EnableCaching is present in your configuration, a suitable cache configuration is expected as
well. If you need to disable caching altogether in certain environments, force the cache type to none
to use a no-op implementation, as shown in the following example:


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