
Spring @Autowired


 @Inject annotation can be used in place of Spring’s @Autowired annotation in the examples below.

You can apply the @Autowired annotation to constructors:

public class MovieRecommender {  

private final CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao; 

 public MovieRecommender(CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao) {
 this.customerPreferenceDao = customerPreferenceDao; 

 // ... 

As of Spring Framework 4.3, the @Autowired constructor is no longer necessary if the target bean only defines one constructor. If several constructors are available, at least one must be annotated to teach the container which one it has to use.

As expected, you can also apply the @Autowired annotation to "traditional" setter methods:

public class SimpleMovieLister {
 private MovieFinder movieFinder;
 public void setMovieFinder(MovieFinder movieFinder) {
 this.movieFinder = movieFinder;
 } // ...

 You can also apply the annotation to methods with arbitrary names and/or multiple arguments:

public class MovieRecommender { 
 private MovieCatalog movieCatalog; 
private CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao; 
 public void prepare(MovieCatalog movieCatalog, CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao) { 
 this.movieCatalog = movieCatalog; this.customerPreferenceDao = customerPreferenceDao; 
 } // ... 

You can apply @Autowired to fields as well and even mix it with constructors:

public class MovieRecommender {  

private final CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao; 

 private MovieCatalog movieCatalog; 

 @Autowired public MovieRecommender(CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao) { this.customerPreferenceDao = customerPreferenceDao; 
 // ... 

It is also possible to provide all beans of a particular type from the ApplicationContext by adding the annotation to a field or method that expects an array of that type:

public class MovieRecommender { 

 @Autowired private MovieCatalog[] movieCatalogs; 

 // ... 


The same applies for typed collections:

public class MovieRecommender { 

 private Set movieCatalogs; 

 @Autowired public void setMovieCatalogs(Set movieCatalogs) { 
 this.movieCatalogs = movieCatalogs; 
 // ... 

Your beans can implement the org.springframework.core.Ordered interface or either use the @Order or standard @Priority annotation if you want items in the array or list to be sorted into a specific order.

Even typed Maps can be autowired as long as the expected key type is String. The Map values will contain all beans of the expected type, and the keys will contain the corresponding bean names:

public class MovieRecommender { 
 private Map movieCatalogs; 

 public void setMovieCatalogs(Map movieCatalogs) { 

 this.movieCatalogs = movieCatalogs; 
 } // ... 


By default, the autowiring fails whenever zero candidate beans are available; the default behavior is to treat annotated methods, constructors, and fields as indicating required dependencies. This behavior can be changed as demonstrated below.

public class SimpleMovieLister { 

 private MovieFinder movieFinder; 

public void setMovieFinder(MovieFinder movieFinder) { 
 this.movieFinder = movieFinder; 
 // ... 

Only one annotated constructor per-class can be marked as required, but multiple non-required constructors can be annotated. In that case, each is considered among the candidates and Spring uses the greediest constructor whose dependencies can be satisfied, that is the constructor that has the largest number of arguments.

@Autowired’s required attribute is recommended over the `@Required annotation. The required attribute indicates that the property is not required for autowiring purposes, the property is ignored if it cannot be autowired. @Required, on the other hand, is stronger in that it enforces the property that was set by any means supported by the container. If no value is injected, a corresponding exception is raised.

You can also use @Autowired for interfaces that are well-known resolvable dependencies: BeanFactory, ApplicationContext, Environment, ResourceLoader, ApplicationEventPublisher, and MessageSource. These interfaces and their extended interfaces, such as ConfigurableApplicationContext or ResourcePatternResolver, are automatically resolved, with no special setup necessary.

public class MovieRecommender { 

 private ApplicationContext context; 

 public MovieRecommender() { } 
 // ... 

@Autowired, @Inject, @Resource, and @Value annotations are handled by Spring BeanPostProcessor implementations which in turn means that you cannot apply these annotations within your own BeanPostProcessor or BeanFactoryPostProcessor types (if any). These types must be 'wired up' explicitly via XML or using a Spring @Bean method.

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