Java 13 - New Switch Case Statement

Switch statement can be used as either a statement or an expression, and so that both forms can use either traditional case ... : labels (with fall through) or new case ... -> labels (with no fall through), with a further new statement for yielding a value from a switch expression.

The current design of Java's switch statement follows closely languages such as C and C++, and supports fall through semantics by default. Whilst this traditional control flow is often useful for writing low-level code (such as parsers for binary encodings), as switch is used in higher-level contexts, its error-prone nature starts to outweigh its flexibility.

switch (day) {
    case MONDAY:
    case FRIDAY:
    case SUNDAY:
    case TUESDAY:
    case THURSDAY:
    case SATURDAY:
    case WEDNESDAY:

A new form of switch label, "case L ->", to signify that only the code to the right of the label is to be executed if the label is matched.


switch (day) {
    case MONDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY -> System.out.println(6);
    case TUESDAY                -> System.out.println(7);
    case THURSDAY, SATURDAY     -> System.out.println(8);
    case WEDNESDAY              -> System.out.println(9);

Switch expressions

We will extend the switch statement so it can be used as an expression. For example, the previous howMany method can be rewritten to use a switch expression, so it uses only a single println.

static void howMany(int k) {
        switch (k) {
            case  1 -> "one"
            case  2 -> "two"
            default -> "many"
In the common case, a switch expression will look like:

T result = switch (arg) {
    case L1 -> e1;
    case L2 -> e2;
    default -> e3;
A switch expression is a poly expression; if the target type is known, this type is pushed down into each arm. The type of a switch expression is its target type, if known; if not, a standalone type is computed by combining the types of each case arm.

Yielding a value

Most switch expressions will have a single expression to the right of the "case L ->" switch label. In the event that a full block is needed, a new yield statement to yield a value, which becomes the value of the enclosing switch expression.

int j = switch (day) {
    case MONDAY  -> 0;
    case TUESDAY -> 1;
    default      -> {
        int k = day.toString().length();
        int result = f(k);
        yield result;
A switch expression can, like a switch statement, also use a traditional switch block with "case L:" switch labels (implying fall through semantics). In this case, values are yielded using the new yield statement:

int result = switch (s) {
    case "Foo":
        yield 1;
    case "Bar":
        yield 2;
        System.out.println("Neither Foo nor Bar, hmmm...");
        yield 0;


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