Why is it adding me a random pixel on the screen?

I'm making the snake game and I got to the part where there are (for now) 3 asterisks that make the snake. When I move from vertical to horizontal and from horizontal to vertical it adds another asterisk this is how it looks beforethis is how it looks after
And for some reason just adds another * to the row of *s in the same place every time after 3 times to the leftwhen I pressed left for the 4th time

For now my code is:

MODEL small
STACK 100h
; --------------------------
; Your variables here
; --------------------------
saveal db, ' '  ;used in line 223-233

app dw 0       ;place of the apple
st_am dw 3
stars dw 0, 0, 0  ;places of the *

proc black
    mov [es:si], ax
    add si, 2
    cmp si, 25*80*2
    jnz body
endp black

proc up
    mov di, 80*2
    cmp si, di
    jb not_move_up
    cmp si, [app]
    jnz move_up
    call apple
    call delete
    mov di, [stars+2]
    mov [stars+4], di
    mov di, [stars]
    mov [stars+2], di
    sub di, 80*2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:di], ax
    mov [stars], si
    sub si, 80*2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:si], ax
endp up

proc down

    mov di, (24*80*2)-1
    cmp si, di
    jg not_move_down
    cmp si, [offset app]
    jnz move_down
    call apple
    call delete
    mov di, [stars+2]
    mov [stars+4], di
    mov di, [stars]
    mov [stars+2], di
    add di, 80*2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:di], ax
    mov [stars], si
    add si, 80*2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:si], ax
endp down
proc left

    mov dx, 0
    mov bx, si
    mov ax, si
    mov si, 80*2
    div si
    mov si, bx
    cmp dx,0
    jz not_move_left
    cmp si, [offset app]
    jnz move_left
    call apple
    call delete
    mov di, [stars+2]
    mov [stars+4], di
    mov di, [stars]
    mov [stars+2], di
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:di], ax
    mov [stars], si
    sub si, 2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:si], ax
endp left
proc right

    mov dx, 0
    mov bx, si
    mov ax, si
    mov si, 80*2
    div si
    mov si, bx
    cmp dx,158
    jz not_move_right
    cmp si, [app]
    jnz move_right
    call apple
    call delete
    mov di, [stars+2]
    mov [stars+4], di
    mov di, [stars]
    mov [stars+2], di
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:di], ax
    mov [stars], si
    add si, 2
    mov ah, 156
    mov al, '*'
    mov [es:si], ax
endp right

proc apple
    mov ax, 40h
    mov es, ax
    mov ax, [es:6ch]
    and ax, 0000001111111110b
    mov di,ax
    mov [offset app], di
    mov ax, 0b800h
    mov es, ax
    mov al, '@'
    mov ah, 154
    mov [es:di], ax
endp apple
proc delete
    mov bx, offset stars
    mov di, [st_am]
    dec di
    shl di, 1
    mov di, [bx+di]
    mov ax, 0b800h
    mov es, ax
    mov al, ' '
    mov ah, 0
    mov [es:di], ax
endp delete
    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
; --------------------------
; Your code here
; --------------------------
    mov ax, 0b800h
    mov es, ax
    mov si,0
    mov al, ' '
    mov ah, 0
    call black
    mov bx, offset stars
    mov si, ((12*80+40)*2)-2
    mov al, '*'
    mov ah, 156
    mov [es:si], ax
    mov [bx], si
    mov si, (12*80+40)*2
    mov al, '*'
    mov ah, 156
    mov [es:si], ax
    mov [bx+2], si
    mov si, ((12*80+40)*2)+2
    mov al, '*'
    mov ah, 156
    mov [es:si], ax
    mov [bx+4], si
    mov si, ((12*80+40)*2)-2    

    call apple
    mov ah, 1h
    int 21h
    mov [byte ptr saveal], al
    cmp [byte ptr saveal], 'w'
    jz w
    cmp [byte ptr saveal], 'a'
    jz a
    cmp [byte ptr saveal], 's'
    jz s
    cmp [byte ptr saveal], 'd'
    jz d
    cmp [byte ptr saveal], 'q'
    jmp exit
    call up
    jmp yesOrno
    call down
    jmp yesOrno 
    call left
    jmp yesOrno
    call right
    jmp yesOrno
    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
END start

I tried to think myself, but I couldn't think of something.
So sorry for asking a lot.


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