Recursively adding columns to pyspark dataframe nested arrays
I'm working with a pyspark DataFrame that contains multiple levels of nested arrays of structs. My goal is to add an array's hash column + record's top level hash column to each nested array. To achieve that for all nested arrays I need to use recursion since I do not know how nested the array can be.
So for this example schema
schema = StructType([
StructField("name", StringType()),
StructField("experience", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("role", StringType()),
StructField("duration", StringType()),
StructField("company", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("company_name", StringType()),
StructField("location", StringType())
The desired output schema would look like this:
hashed_schema = StructType([
StructField("name", StringType()),
StructField("experience", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("role", StringType()),
StructField("duration", StringType()),
StructField("experience_hash", StringType()), # Added hash for the experience collection
StructField("company", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("company_name", StringType()),
StructField("location", StringType()),
StructField("company_hash", StringType()) # Added hash for the company collection
StructField("employee_hash", StringType()), # Added hash for the entire record
I have tried to write a code with recursion that would iterate trough each nested array and hash its columns. While it seems to work for 1st level nested arrays, the recursion part does not work, I get an error that the recursion is too deep.
def hash_for_level(level_path):
return md5(concat_ws("_", *[lit(elem) for elem in level_path]))
def add_hash_columns(df, level_path, current_struct, root_hash_col=None):
# If this is the root level, create the root hash
if not level_path and root_hash_col is None:
root_hash_col = 'employee_hash'
df = df.withColumn(root_hash_col, hash_for_level(['employee']))
# Traverse the current structure and add hash columns
for field in current_struct.fields:
new_level_path = level_path + []
# If the field is an array of structs, add a hash for each element in the array
if isinstance(field.dataType, ArrayType):
nested_struct = field.dataType.elementType
hash_expr = transform(
col('.'.join(level_path + [])),
lambda x: x.withField(new_level_path[-1] + '_hash', hash_for_level(new_level_path))
.withField(root_hash_col, col(root_hash_col)) # Include the root hash
# Add the hash column to the array elements
df = df.withColumn('.'.join(level_path + []), hash_expr)
# Recursion call to apply the same logic for nested arrays
df = add_hash_columns(df, new_level_path, nested_struct, root_hash_col)
# Add a hash column at the current level
if level_path:
#print("Level path:", level_path)
hash_col_name = '_'.join(level_path) + '_hash'
df = df.withColumn(hash_col_name, hash_for_level(level_path))
if root_hash_col:
# Ensure the root hash is included at each struct level
df = df.withColumn(root_hash_col, col(root_hash_col))
return df
df = spark.createDataFrame([], schema)
df = add_hash_columns(df, [], df.schema)
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