Save a Google Form as PDF on a Drive's folder using Google Scripts

This is my first approach using Google Scripts so apologize if the question is too easy.

All the steps are explained here: Hacking it: Generate PDFs from Google Forms. I took the following image from there:

What I have

The code is posted on the link but I post it here anyways:

function onSubmit(e) { // From
  const rg = e.range;
  const sh = rg.getSheet();
  //Get all the form submitted data
  //Note: This data is dependent on the headers. If headers, are changed update these as well.
  const cName = e.namedValues['Client Name'][0];
  const cEmail = e.namedValues['Client Email'][0];
  const cAddress = e.namedValues['Client Address'][0];
  const cMobile = e.namedValues['Client Mobile'][0];
  const sendCopy = e.namedValues['Send client a copy?'][0];
  const paymentType = e.namedValues['What is your agreed upon payment schedule?'][0];
  const fixedCost = e.namedValues['What was your agreed upon cost for the project?'][0];
  const hourlyRate = e.namedValues['Hourly Rate'][0];
  const manHours = e.namedValues['Total man hours'][0];
  const services = e.namedValues['Select the services'][0];
  //Consequential Data
  const tax = 18.5
  var subtotal = 0;
  var taxAmt = 0;
  var payableAmt = 0;
  //if the user has selected hourly payment model
  //Note: Be careful that the responses match the elements on the actual form
  switch (paymentType ){
    case 'Hourly Rate':
      subtotal = hourlyRate*manHours;
      taxAmt = subtotal * (tax/100);
      payableAmt = +subtotal + +taxAmt;
    case 'Fixed Cost':
      subtotal = fixedCost;
      taxAmt = fixedCost * (tax/100)
      payableAmt = +fixedCost + +taxAmt;
  const invoiceID = 'IN' + Math.random().toString().substr(2, 9);
  var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "IST", "dd-MMM-yyyy");
  //Set the consequential data in the columns of the spreadsheet for record keeping
  //Note: These variable are dependent on the sheet's columns so if that changes, please update.
  const row = rg.getRow();
  const payableAmtCol = 2; //B
  const invoiceIDCol = 3; //C
  //Build a new invoice from the file
  //Folder and file IDs
  const invoiceFolderID = '<invoice-folder-id>';
  const invoiceFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(invoiceFolderID);
  const templateFileID = '<template-id>';
  const newFilename = 'Invoice_' + invoiceID;
  //Make a copy of the template file
  const newInvoiceFileID = DriveApp.getFileById(templateFileID).makeCopy(newFilename, invoiceFolder).getId();;
  //Get the invoice body into a variable
  var document = DocumentApp.openById(newInvoiceFileID);
  var body = document.getBody();
  //Replace all the  text in the invoice body
  body.replaceText('', invoiceID);
  body.replaceText('', formattedDate);
  body.replaceText('', cName);
  body.replaceText('', cAddress);
  body.replaceText('', cMobile);
  body.replaceText('', cEmail);
  body.replaceText('', services.split(', ').join('\n'));
  body.replaceText('', subtotal);
  body.replaceText('', taxAmt);
  body.replaceText('', payableAmt);
  //In the case of hourly rate payment type, let's add an additional message giving the rate and the man hours.
  if(paymentType.includes('Hourly Rate')){
     //It should look something like this on the invoice
     //Hourly Rate
     //Rate of Rs.1200/hour
     //Completed 50 man hours
     const message = paymentType + '\nRate of Rs.' + hourlyRate + '/hour\nCompleted ' + manHours + ' man hours';
     body.replaceText('', message);
  } else {
    body.replaceText('', paymentType);

All the generated documents are saved in Invoices folder as .docx.

Is there any way to edit the above code to save them as PDF? Of course the PDF already had to be filled with the data provided in the Google Form, like the code does but they have to be saved as PDF, not .docx.

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