Spring Boot with Vaadin Applications - @Route @Component Example
Let’s take a look at a concrete example. Below, we create a view by mapping a VerticalLayout component to the contacts path. We use Spring to inject a service class into the constructor for backend access. We then instantiate a Vaadin Grid component and pass in a list of Contact objects to the grid. Finally, we add an H1 header and the grid to our view to display them.
@Route("contacts") // localhost:8080/contacts
public class ContactsView extends VerticalLayout {
// Autowire a Spring @Service
public VaadinView(ContactService service) {
// Instantiate Vaadin data grid component
Grid<Contact> grid = new Grid<>(Contact.class);
// Pass in a list of Contacts to show in the grid
// Define columns
grid.addColumn(Contact::getFirstName).setHeader("First Name");
grid.addColumn(Contact::getLastName).setHeader("Last Name");
grid.addColumn(contact -> contact.getCompany().getName()).setHeader("Company");
// Add components to the layout to show them
new H1("All contacts"),
In the example above, @Route is a specialized @Component that makes sure ContractsView is a regular Spring bean in the context.
@Route("contacts") // localhost:8080/contacts
public class ContactsView extends VerticalLayout {
// Autowire a Spring @Service
public VaadinView(ContactService service) {
// Instantiate Vaadin data grid component
Grid<Contact> grid = new Grid<>(Contact.class);
// Pass in a list of Contacts to show in the grid
// Define columns
grid.addColumn(Contact::getFirstName).setHeader("First Name");
grid.addColumn(Contact::getLastName).setHeader("Last Name");
grid.addColumn(contact -> contact.getCompany().getName()).setHeader("Company");
// Add components to the layout to show them
new H1("All contacts"),
In the example above, @Route is a specialized @Component that makes sure ContractsView is a regular Spring bean in the context.
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